Biological Explanations of Criminality
- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 25-02-18 09:26
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- Biological Explanations of Criminality
- Historical Explanations
- Cesare Lombroso
- Criminality is linked to physical characteristics
- More primate like = More likely to be a criminal
- Proved theory with pages of pictures of criminals and non-criminals
- More primate like = More likely to be a criminal
- Criminality is linked to physical characteristics
- Phineas Gage
- Railway worker who got a iron rod through his head due to an explosion
- He was reported to have a changed personality with increased aggression
- Doctors started to think about brain damage linking to behaviour and therefore a link between criminals
- He was reported to have a changed personality with increased aggression
- Railway worker who got a iron rod through his head due to an explosion
- Charles Witman
- Killed 13 people from a University observation tower after killing his wife and mother
- He killed himself but left a note asking doctors to examine his brain because he couldn't control his aggression
- The doctors found tumor pressing against his amygdala
- He killed himself but left a note asking doctors to examine his brain because he couldn't control his aggression
- Killed 13 people from a University observation tower after killing his wife and mother
- William Sheldon
- The three body types linked to three personalities
- Most criminals tended to have a mesomorphic body type
- The three body types linked to three personalities
- Cesare Lombroso
- Psychological Explanations
- Explanations 1 = Brain dysfunction
- Raine et al
- Explanation 2 = Genetic Predisposition
- Christiansen
- Twin studies
- 3568 twins
- 52% concordance rates between identical twins
- 22% concordance rates between non-identical twins
- 3568 twins
- Twin studies
- Brunner
- Role of genetics and neurotransmitters
- XXY syndrome
- Over represented in prisons
- Taller and lower IQ
- Warrior gene
- XXY syndrome
- Case study of 5 males in one Dutch family
- Genetic syndrome, borderline mental retardation, abnormal violent behaviour
- Behaviour
- Arson
- Sexual behaviour to female family
- Sleep distruabcnes and night terrors
- Aggressive and violent behaviour
- Data
- Urine samples
- Results
- Defcit with the enzyme monoamine oxidase
- Linked to the production of serotonin
- Struggle to regulate aggression
- Linked to the production of serotonin
- Evaluation
- Scientific - more reliable (objective data)
- Useful - develops medication
- Poor generlisability - one family + one mutation
- No cause + effect
- Reductionist - (social aspect) primary school
- Defcit with the enzyme monoamine oxidase
- Role of genetics and neurotransmitters
- Christiansen
- Explanations 1 = Brain dysfunction
- Issues
- Free will / Deterministc
- Deterministic - genetics / brain structure influence our behavior
- Situationall / Individual
- Individual - our own biology affects our behavior
- Nature / Nurture
- What we're born with
- Raine accepts there are social influences
- What we're born with
- Reductionist/ Holistic
- Holistic - Raine said we need to look at social aspects too
- Reductionist - Ignores upbringing/ environment
- Makes it scientifc
- Socilly Sensitive
- Yes - saying someone will be a criminal because of genetics
- Excuse for - bad behavior
- Free will / Deterministc
- Historical Explanations
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