Biological Factors
- Created by: Grace.2006
- Created on: 09-02-23 13:14
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- Biological Factors
- Maternal infections
- If a pregnant mother is exposed to or has an infection the foetus may be affected
- Rubella is an example of an infection a mother could get
- Rubella = type of measles
- Rubella is extremely dangerous in the 1st month of pregnancy
- Could lead to the baby being born with:
- Impaired eyesight
- Impaired hearing
- A damaged heart
- Could lead to the baby being born with:
- Congenital defects
- Congenital = present from birth
- Most common defects
- Heart defects
- Down's syndrome
- Neural tube defects
- Spinal bifida
- Congenital defects of the brain, spine, or spinal cord
- Can be genetic but other factors can also be responsible
- Socio-economic factors such as a lack of sufficient nutritious food during pregnancy could lead to these defects
- Environmental factors
- Working or living in polluted areas
- Exposure to chemicals or pesticides
- Excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs during pregnancy
- Some defects can be prevented by adequate antenatal care
- Adequate intake of nutrients
- Minerals
- Vitamins
- Folic acid
- Vaccination
- Screening
- Adequate intake of nutrients
- Maternal infections
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