Biological Rhythms: Circadian Rhythms
- Created by: Besme
- Created on: 07-06-18 18:32
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- Biological Rhythms: Circadian Rhythms
- Siffre's cave study
- Aimed to study the effect on his biological rhythms
- Spend several months underground, deprived of exposure to natural light and sound. However, had access to adequate food and drink
- Siffre found that his 'free-running' biological rhythms settled to beyond 24hr to 25hrs and his sleep and wake were no regular schedule
- Biological rhymthms
- All living beings have biological rhythms, which have important influence on the way the body behaves.
- Govern 2 things - body internal clock (endogenous pacemakers)
- External changes called exogenous zeitgeists
- Sleep/Wake cycle
- Daylight is an important factor in exogenous zeitgeists and our sleep/wake cycle
- Siffre research tried to explain what would happen if our sleep/wake cycle without the influence of daylight
- Siffre's cave study
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