biological - structural abnormalities evaluation
- Created by: Elyseee
- Created on: 18-01-21 14:33
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- structural abnormalities evaluation
- Structural abnormalities not only linked to schizophrenia
- They are not only present in those with schizophrenia, also found in individuals with other conditions
- Roy et al 1988 - individuals with bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder have been found to have enlarged ventricles
- Symptoms of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are overlapping, could be due to similar structural abnormalities
- Could be that neither condition has similar causation, or that the way we classify them needs to be reviewed
- Cause or effect
- It is unclear whether structural abnormalities are a cause of effect of having schizophrenia
- Some would suggest that some structural abnormalities are a cause
- Lyon et al 1981 - reported that participants brain tissue density decreased as dose of antipsychotic drugs increased
- Suggests that medication actually causes some structural abnormalities such as enlarged ventricles
- Structural abnormalities not only linked to schizophrenia
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