Biological Positivism
- Created by: Emma
- Created on: 03-04-15 10:01
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- Biological Positivism
- What is positivism?
- Methods of study from the natural sciences applied to the social world
- Data from observation
- Knowledge gathered from facts collected by the scientist
- Facts are different to values
- Hypothetico deductive model
- Quantitative methods
- Physical characteristics of criminals
- Criminals were primitive beings
- The epileptic, insane, ocassional and born criminals.
- different head size and shape, asymmetrical face, bigger jaw and cheek bones, eye defects, size of ears, nose shape, chin shape, abnormal hair, longer arms, extra fingers and toes etc
- endomorph (Short, round), mesomorph (muscular, large), and ectomorph (Lean, little delicate
- viscerotonic (extrovert, luxury lifestyle), somotonic (active, dynamic and agressive), and cerebrotonic (introverted, fatigue
- Delinquents were found to be more mesomorphs with somotonic personalities. tled
- Somatypes
- What is positivism?
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