Biology Chapter 6
- Created by: elliebaxter
- Created on: 29-01-17 10:02
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- Biology Chapter 6 - Part 1
- Receptors
- The nervous system has receptors to detect stimuli
- Receptors found in ears, eye, nose, tongue and skin
- Stimuli include temperature, light, touch, pain, sound and chemicals
- 1) Light stimulates receptors in the eye
- 2) Electrical impulses pass to brain along neurones (nerve cells)
- The nervous system has receptors to detect stimuli
- Central nervous system
- Brain and spinal cord form CNS
- Nerves contain sensory neurones
- Carry impulses from receptors to CNS
- Nerves contain motor neurones carry impulses from CNS to effectors organs
- Muscles react by contracting or glands secrete chemicals
- Reflex actions
- Reflex arc
- 1) Receptor detects stimuli
- 2) Sensory neurone transmits impulse to CNS
- 3) Relay neurone passes impulse onto motor neurone
- 4) Impulse passes to an effector and action is taken
- Synapse - junction between neurones
- Reflex arc
- The brain
- Made of billions of interconnected neurones
- Receives pulses from sensory neurones
- Controls complex behaviour, thoughts and feeling
- Has different regions that carry out different functions
- MRI can monitor brain activity
- Regions of the brain
- Cerebral cortex-consciousness memory language
- Cerebellum - coordination of muscular activity
- Medulla - heartbeat, breathing
- Pituitary gland - produces hormones
- Receptors
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