Biology paper 1 topics
a clear mind map of all topics on the AQA combined sceince trilogy biology paper 1
- Created by: mackerss
- Created on: 21-10-17 09:51
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- Biology (paper 1)
- Cell Biology
- Cell Structure
- Animal and plant cell structure
- Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
- Bacteria cells
- Investigating cells
- The size of cells
- Microscopes and magnification
- Cell Division
- Chromosomes
- Mitosis and the cell cycle
- Stem cells + their uses
- Transport in and out of cells
- Diffusion + factors affecting it
- Osmosis
- Active Transport
- Cell Structure
- Organisation
- Levels of organisation
- Specialised cells
- Tissues, organs and systems
- Digestion
- Enzymes
- Bile and digestion
- Blood and the Circulation
- Blood components
- Blood vessels
- The heart
- Gaseous exchange
- Non-communicablediseases
- Health and disease
- Risk factors
- Heart diseases
- Cancer
- Transport in plants
- Plant tissues
- Water transport
- Translocation
- Levels of organisation
- Infection and Response
- Pathogens and disease
- Pathogens
- Viral diseases
- Bacterial Diseases
- Protists
- Fungal diseases
- Human defences against disease
- Preventing entry of pathogens
- The immune system
- Boosting immunity
- Treating Diseases
- Antibiotics
- Developing new drugs
- Pathogens and disease
- Bioenergetics
- Photo-synthesis
- How it works and factors affecting it
- Converting glucose
- Respiration and Exercise
- Aerobic + Anaerobic
- Exercise and respiration
- Metabolism
- Photo-synthesis
- Cell Biology
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