Black & Tan Fantasy
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: laurenalicea98
- Created on: 10-05-16 11:20
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- Black & Tan Fantasy
- Rhythm & Metre
- Simple quadruple time played at a medium slow speed - Steady swing tempo
- Triplets - Bar 17
- Some syncopation - Bars 63-64
- Accented crotchet chords - Head accompaniment
- Melody
- 'Head' melody is based on the chorus of 'The Holy City'
- Uses the whole-tone scale - Bar 13-14 (Sax interlude)
- Chromatic movement - Bars 25-26
- Use of 'blues' notes - Flattened 3rd/5th/7th - Bar 33 trumpet solo
- Use of repeated ideas - Bar 56
- Turn figure - Bar 61
- Harmony
- Mostly based around the 12-bar blues sequence
- Harmony of the 'Head' is diatonic & functional
- Circle of 5ths - Bars 19-20 Bb to Gb
- Uses typical jazz turnaround ii-V-I
- Tonality
- Begins in Bb Minor
- Bb Major - Bar 13-86
- Coda - Bb Minor
- Performing Forces
- Jungle style - Dark saxes, heavy drums, rough growling brass
- Much use of performing forces - Glissando, Pitch bends etc
- Collaborated with Bubber Miley (trumpet)
- Written for Big Band jazz
- Structure
- Head arrangement
- Head - 12 bar blues, played 6 times
- Interlude of 16 bars between chorus 1 & 2
- 6th chorus is incomplete as it is interrupted by the preparation of the ending
- Concludes with a Coda in Bb minor
- Texture
- MDH - Choruses 1/2/5/6
- 'Stride' style accompaniment - Chorus 4, was used in Rag-time jazz
- Trumpet & trombone play in parallel 6ths mainly - Opening & end
- Sustained chords in saxes - Bar 84 - end
- Rhythm & Metre
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