Black Panther
- Created by: Cat91
- Created on: 30-03-21 10:39
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- Black Panther
- Risks
- Mitgations
- Introduced in Captain America Civil War
- Marvel is already a huge franchise
- Well known actors
- Soundtrack by Kendrick Lamar
- All black cast
- Doesn't shy away from embracing culture that white people aren't typically exposed to
- Mitgations
- Celebrity involvement
- #wakandaforever
- Mainstream celebrities starring promoted it on social media
- Music video by Kendrick Lamar
- Advertising
- Posters
- Movie quotes
- Printable versions online
- Social media
- Adverts on YouTube
- Hashtags
- Wakanda forever
- Black Panther challenge
- Black Panther so lit
- Posters
- Applicable Hollywood stereotypes
- Made by one of the big 5 (Disney)
- Family friendly
- Mainstream
- Hegemony
- Fancy props
- Happy endings
- Made by men
- Franchises/ genres
- High production value
- Big budget
- High tech
- Technology
- Streaming
- Special effects upgrade
- HD
- Risks
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