Tony Blair
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?- Created by: Geraint Garcia
- Created on: 05-09-13 01:27
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- Blarism
- Renewed type of social democracy or "third way"
- Take on Thatcherism
- Move away from the left i.e. trade unions and marxism
- Move away from the right i.e. selfish capitalism
- Combined individualism and collectivism
- Individualism:The principle to be independent and self reliant
- Collectivism: The principle to give the group priority over the individuals in it
- Combined economic efficiency and social justice
- Continuation of Thatcherism or Neo-liberalism
- Blair accepted the Thatcherised economy
- Sustainable if tempered with concern for social injustice
- Blair committed to moderning Britain through his own variation of Thatcherism
- Privatising the Post Office
- Continuation of Old Labour style politics
- British social democracy needed to adapt to the modern times
- Labour showed changes and kept core values
- Arrival Into Office
- Positives
- Blair could rely on a huge majority in parliament
- Labour appeared most united since 1945
- Led a group of talented politicians
- Spent three years preparing for power
- Blair Project - Clear idea of direction
- Conservative opposition demoralised
- Economic situation favourable
- Basked in glow of goodwill from public and press
- Negatives
- Extent of Labour Support was deceptive - massive parliamentary majority did not reflect a massive surge in the labour vote
- 43% of vote but still low turnout - fewer voted for Labour in 1997 than in ant 1945-1966 and less than Major's victory in 1992
- Landslide victory based on Tory voters staying at home, tactical voting for Liberals and FPTP system
- Positives
- Blair and Brown
- Successes
- One concentrated on flair and personality and other ensured a sound economy.
- Ensured party unity to an acceptable degree
- Cultivated proffesionalism and economic management
- Failures
- Speculation and mockery of partnership i.e. Bremner
- Question of succession became wearisome.
- Successes
- Blair's First Government
- Economy
- Government borrowing led to consumer credit boom
- Independence of Bank of England
- Inflation down, Employment up
- Moved away from image of "tax and spend" party
- Reassurance of industrialists and financiers
- Living standard of middle class rising along with housing boom
- Foreign Policy
- NATO Intervention in Kosovo to resolve international crisis
- "Godies" had defeated baddies" and Blair has secured US help
- Northern Ireland
- Close working relationship with Ahern (vital on keeping the Republicans on track)
- Proved capable of reassuring Trimble and Ulster Unionists during final negotiations
- GOOD FRIDAY AGREEMENT 1998 - Blair's greatest achievement? Hands on involvement and detailed negotiations during first term.
- Peace process had been pushed along the way before Blair and there were other contributing factors that let to GFA.
- Blair's personal commitment was vital. Opposition to GFA came from both sides.
- People involved in GFA
- Bertie Ahern - Irish Taioseach
- John Hume - SDLP
- Gerry Adam - Sinn Fein
- Mo Mowlem - Northern Ireland Secratery
- George Mitchell - US Senator
- David Trimble - Ulster Unionists
- Tony - British PM
- Sinn Feinn nervous of Republican backlash against them selling out e.g Omagh Bombing 1996 killed 30 people
- Ulster Unionists feared the powerful negative influence of Paisley leader of the hardline Democratic Unionise Party (DUP)
- Overall successful
- Economy
- Consitutional Reform Themes
- The Modernisation of Political Issitutions
- Greater Democratisation of the Political System
- Devolution - Decentralisation of powers from Westministerand Whitehall
- Improving and Safeguarding invidividual and minority rights
- Arrival Into Office
- Renewed type of social democracy or "third way"
- Improving and Safeguarding invidividual and minority rights