Bloody Chamber Context
- Created by: cluelessChild
- Created on: 05-04-21 15:49
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- Angela Carter and the Bloody Chamber Context
- Her life
- Translations of Charles Perrault's fairytales 'Histoires ou Contes de temps Passe' published 1977
- Married Paul Carter at 19, left for Japan and had an affair w/ Sozo Araki. Divorced Paul and married Mark Pearce
- Experience in Japan: 1969 Student Protests, sexism and Kabuki Theatre
- Relationship with her mother strained: spoilt her and indulged her appetite
- 10/11 she wasn't allowed to go the bathroom alone
- socially conservative parents
- Second Wave feminism
- Women empowered to work beyond the home
- equal pay
- Second Wave feminism
- The Bloody Chamber
- Marquis based on Marquis de Sade - Carter wrote a critical essay on his work 'The Sadeian Woman' 1979
- the Castle is a link to Sade's cannibal Minski, torture chamber, lake surrounded castle and captive virgins
- Calla-headed funereal lilies and links to Georgia O'keffe
- Based on Bluebeard, links to fatal effects of female curiosity
- French Revolution and guillotine context
- Mark of Cain (Hawthorne's 'The Scarlett Letter' 1850
- Marquis based on Marquis de Sade - Carter wrote a critical essay on his work 'The Sadeian Woman' 1979
- The Courtship of Mr Lyon
- Beauty and the Beast 1740 Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve
- Tipu's tiger and colonial imagery
- The Tiger's Bride
- 1971 Anne Sexton's 'Transformations'
- Puss-in-Boots
- Stock types of the commedia dell'arte
- Links to Rossini's opera 'the barber of Seville' and Figaro (title character) he helps a count win the heart of a woman
- Masculine narrative voice
- The Erl-King
- Based on a German legend of a goblin haunting the Black Forest
- The Snow Child
- Based on an unpublished version of Grimm's tale in which Snow White is the product of her father's desire rather than her mothers
- Edgar Allen Poe's Raven
- The Lady of the House of Love
- Imagined by Carter after watching a Dostoyevsky story as a movie
- First began as a 1976 radio play 'Vampirella'
- The Lady of Shallot's mirror
- Tarot: La Morte (death), Les Amoureux (lovers), La Tower abolie (ruined tower)
- Roses representing the blood of Christ, the fall + original sin, death and matrydom
- The Werewolf
- Throw clothes back at them to make them shift into human form
- Peter 'the wild boy' 1725 found in a German forest and 'adopted' by George I as a pet
- The Company of Wolves
- Became a film in a Chinese box structure
- "What else can you expect if you talk to strange men, comments Perrault briskly" - Carter
- Wolf-Alice
- Based on an early medieval Red Riding Hood, 'De puella a lupellis seruata'
- Victor of Aveyron, French feral boy caught in 1797
- Carter's experience with religion reflected in the nuns 'Holy Family Album'
- Her life
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