- Created by: Hannah Jeffery
- Created on: 04-06-14 15:57
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- Book 13
- they sacrifice an ox to zeus
- so that he will return safely
- Odysseus is then presented with gifts
- having a large booty will look admirable when he returns
- they escort Odysseus to the ship and then they lay out a rug for him so that he can sleep while they travel
- Odysseus immediately falls into a deep sleep
- they arrive at Ithaca
- they carry Odysseus and place him on the ground
- they store his booty behind an olive tree so that no passer by will steal it
- Lord Poseidon is furious that Odysseus has reached his homeland
- he feels that now none of the mortals or immortals will have an respect for him
- to punish the Phaeacians he will wreck their ship as they're arriving
- he will also fence their town in with a ring of mountains
- Zeus persuades him to not do this
- their were plenty of spectators who could see the ship turned to stone
- he remembers being told this would happen from a prophecy because Poseidon resents that they give safe conduct to all
- to stop Poseidon from putting a ring of mountains around the city they must sacrifice 12 bulls to Poseidon
- he remembers being told this would happen from a prophecy because Poseidon resents that they give safe conduct to all
- he will also fence their town in with a ring of mountains
- to punish the Phaeacians he will wreck their ship as they're arriving
- he feels that now none of the mortals or immortals will have an respect for him
- Odysseus wakes up and doesn't recognise Ithaca because Athene has put him in a mist
- she wants to be able to talk to him so that she can tell him everything that has happened and so that he's not recognised by his wife
- he is extremely angry because he thinks he's been taken to a foreign land and they're stolen his booty
- he prays that Zeus punishes them
- he finds his booty and checks it and realises that nothing is missing
- Athene appears disguised as a Shepard
- Odysseus appears as a supplicant and asks where he is
- he pretends he's an exile from crete
- Athene admires his cunningness
- builds dramatic irony because he's lying to Athene
- after killing a man
- he pretends he's an exile from crete
- she is surprised that he doesn't recognise the person who is always by his side
- she tells him that she is here to help him hide his booty and to warn him of the trials that he will face
- Athene could not get rid of Poseidon's curse because she didn't want to oppose her uncle
- Athene removes the mist so that he recognises his own country
- she then tells him to hide his booty in the corner of a sacred cave
- Odysseus thanks Athene for ensuring that he didn't come to the same death on his homecoming as Agamemnon did
- Odysseus appears as a supplicant and asks where he is
- Athene withers Odysseus' skin and takes away his locks and puts rags on him
- This will ensure that he isnt recognised
- Now not a story of nostos but one of revenge
- she advised him to go an question the swineherd while she goes an summons Telemachus
- they sacrifice an ox to zeus
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