Bowlby - types of attachment
- Created by: groganlucy
- Created on: 14-11-18 20:56
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- Bowlby- types of attachment
- In a secure attachment a child can...
- separate from a parent
- prefers parents to strangers
- seek comfort from parent
- become excited when they see parent or caregiver
- in an insecure attachment a child will...
- be wary of strangers
- become distressed whenparent or caregiver leaves
- don't appear comforted when parent or caregiver returns
- internal working model
- formed in early infancy
- if a child is crying because of hunger, a prompt loving response from parent will make them feel loved and nurtured.
- adults who are unavailable or cold lead to a rejecting working model - feel they cant relyon people for support
- In a secure attachment a child can...
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