- Created by: Clowfreya2710
- Created on: 07-10-22 14:01
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- Bowlby's Attachment theory
- Bowlby referred to attachment as deep and enduring emotional bond that connects the child to their primary care giver
- In the 1930 when Bowlby was working with emotionally disturbed children, he looked at the relationship with the mother
- Bowlby linked the importance of social emotional and cognitive development to the relationship the child had with the mother
- Bowlby considered that children are biologically predisposed to form attachments.
- Infancy is the critical period to form postitive attchements seperation at an early age could lead to seperation anxiety
- Bowlby considered that children are biologically predisposed to form attachments.
- Bowlby linked the importance of social emotional and cognitive development to the relationship the child had with the mother
- In the 1930 when Bowlby was working with emotionally disturbed children, he looked at the relationship with the mother
- Bowlby referred to attachment as deep and enduring emotional bond that connects the child to their primary care giver
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