Bowlby 44 Thieves
- Created by: Jennypix
- Created on: 02-10-15 10:09
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- Bowlby's (1946) 44 Juvenile Thieves
- Aim
- Investigate reasons for teenage delinquency
- Link between maternal deprivation and affectionless psychopathy
- Specifically whether teenagers who show this had early separation
- Procedure
- sample: London Child Guidance Clinic, 44 convicted criminals (more boys to girls)
- Match pairs to control (44): age and intelligence
- Research Methods: interviews, case history, psychiatric history (done by independent social worker)
- Met with psychologist who assessed intelligence and emotional attitudes
- Met with independent social worker who created psychiatric history
- Hand interviews with mother and child to investigate separation and other early emotional influences
- sample: London Child Guidance Clinic, 44 convicted criminals (more boys to girls)
- Findings
- Experimental
- Affectionless Psychopathy = 14/44
- Maternal Separation (6+ Months) = 17/44
- 12 in both
- Control
- Affectionless Psychopathy = 0/44
- Maternal Separation (6+ Months) = 2/44
- Experimental
- Conclusions
- Maternal deprivation when young causes issues
- Lacking emotion, feeling guilt and remorse
- Maternal deprivation when young causes issues
- Aim
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