Bowlby's theory AO3
- Created by: Jordan64
- Created on: 15-08-17 13:40
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- Bowlby's theory AO3
- Mixed evidence for monotropy
- Shaffer and Emerson (1964): babies attached to one person first, but significant minority formed multiple attachments simultaneously
- Contradicts Bowlby: babies form one attachment to PCG, which is unique
- Suggests the attachment to the PCG is not unique
- Contradicts Bowlby: babies form one attachment to PCG, which is unique
- Shaffer and Emerson (1964): babies attached to one person first, but significant minority formed multiple attachments simultaneously
- Support for social releasers
- Brazleton et al (1975) instructed PCGs to ignore babies' social releasers
- Babies initially showed distress, but then motionless
- Supports the role of social releasers in the attachment between PCG and baby.
- Babies initially showed distress, but then motionless
- Brazleton et al (1975) instructed PCGs to ignore babies' social releasers
- Support for internal working model
- Idea of internal working models: patterns of attachment will be passed from one gen to next
- Bailey et al (2007): 99 mothers; mothers with poor attachment to their parents more likely to have poorly attached infants
- Supports the role of the internal working model in forming relationships in later life
- Bailey et al (2007): 99 mothers; mothers with poor attachment to their parents more likely to have poorly attached infants
- Idea of internal working models: patterns of attachment will be passed from one gen to next
- Monotropy socially sensitive - mothers lifestyle
- Law of accumulated separation: substantial time apart from PCG risks poor quality attachment
- Burman (1994): argued that this makes the mother responsible for child's misbehaviour
- Bowlby's intention: boos status of mothers by emphasising importance of role
- Burman (1994): argued that this makes the mother responsible for child's misbehaviour
- Law of accumulated separation: substantial time apart from PCG risks poor quality attachment
- Bowlby may have overemphasise role of attachment
- alternate explanation: Child's temperament is important in development of social behaviour
- Temperament researchers suggests biological explanation to child's social behaviour
- Temperamental differences rather than quality of attachment can explain later social behaviour.
- Temperament researchers suggests biological explanation to child's social behaviour
- alternate explanation: Child's temperament is important in development of social behaviour
- Mixed evidence for monotropy
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