The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning - Characters - Bradley Manning
- Created by: alievans
- Created on: 05-06-18 11:54
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- Bradley Manning
- Central Character
- Played by the entire cast
- Emotionally fragile and volatile individual
- He is bipolar, yet intelligent
- Shown from ages fourteen to twenty-three
- Bullied at school which becomes a running theme throughout the play.
- Dislike for injustice
- He has his own ideas of what he thinks is right and wrong
- Has a temper and his mood suddenly changes
- Joined the army to help people.
- Becomes disillusioned
- Struggles with his sexuality
- His identity
- He is Gay
- Troubled individual
- Play Jumps back an forth in time which suggests continual links to Bradley's experiences and his actions.
- horrified by what he had discovered in the information he has hacked into and his decision to leak the files is none in attempt to expose the military
- Very Complex Character
- His psychological struggles are very clear and the military turn this against him
- The Fact that all the chorus play Bradley at least once, reinforces this multi-faceted aspect to his personality.
- With each new actor we potentially see a different side to Bradley.
- Actors wear glasses when they become him.
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