Brazil EDC
- Created by: lizzie.cotton
- Created on: 06-06-18 12:52
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- Brazil- EDC
- current patterns
- net migration loss between 2010- 2014 of 190,000
- increased migration between Brazil and its neighbouring countries
- slowing migration of lower skilled economic migrants to USA, increase highly skilled economic migrants
- labour migrants attracted by construction of 2014 world cup and 2016 Olympics
- interdependence with countries connected to Brazil by migrant flows
- Portugal-
- long standing bilateral relationship on political, social and economic basis.- 140,000 Portuguese come to Brazil
- Portuguese gov. give special status to Brazilian migrants- gateway to EU,
- reciprocal migration is supported by social diaspora networks in both countries, migrant remittances are an important factor
- low skilled migrants remit a significant about of money
- migrants gain skills and knowledge to contribute to Brazil- help development- 370,000 migrants go to USA
- skilled Brazilians are finding opportunities to work in the service sector- strong links to education
- Hati
- Immigration council allows Haitians to obtain visas easily- reduces vulnerability to trafficking
- benefits Haitians who have found it hard to recover from the 2010 earthquake- displaced 1.5 million
- Haitians escape political instability, unemployment, poverty, poor access to services, gender based violence
- Portugal-
- projected change in population in next 15 years
- less younger people with still a high number of people aged 30-34. population increase
- less people of an ageing population, less people being born- more developed less children
- more economically active migrants
- impact of migration
- economic development
- wave of immigration has contributed to growth in agriculture and manufacturing sectors.
- recent highly skilled migrants have contributed to innovation and reducing gaps in the labour market
- migrant remittances- housing improvements, education and genral consumption- development on all scale
- political stability
- stable political relationship between Brazil and the countries which it has significant migrant flows
- membership of Mercousur- trading bloc with free flow of trade and migration- helped integration and promotion of political stability
- social equality
- inequalities have spatial perspectives-poverty concentrated in rural areas and favelas- poor migrate
- discrimination in the labour market- impedes on full development potential
- economic development
- current patterns
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