PSYA3 Breakdown Revision

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  • Breakdown of Relationships
    • Reasons for Breakdown (Duck)
      • A01
        • Lack of skills
          • Partners may lack social skills and interpersonal skills to make them mutually satisfying. Duck found that lack of social skills means others receive them as boring which is why a relationship may breakdown.
        • Lack of stimulation
          • Based on the SET it is a reason for breakdown. Baxter found that it was the greatest reason for breaking off a relationship. People expect relationships to change and when they don't they see it as a reason to end it,
        • Maintenance difficulties
          • Relationships may be strained such as when you can't see each other like at university. Shaver found while enduring relationships, they can be strong but for many it is difficult as it becomes overwhelming so it breakdown.
      • A02
        • Carrying out research in this sensitive period may raise ethical issues, those may include psychological harm and lack of privacy.
        • Relationships may fail due to extra-marital affairs. Buckhout showed such affairs to be a reaction to skills/stimulation. He asked students to rate various reasons for men + women to be unfaithful. Sexual reasons were the most common upon men and emotional was the most common upon women.
        • Long distance relationships may be very common, a study found 70% of students had experienced a LDF and 40% of students had experienced a LDRR. In our mobile society it is useful to understand management strategies. This goes against Duck's reasons for breakdown regarding maintenance difficulties.
        • There are differences is gender for relationship breakdown. Women are more likely to stress unhappiness and incompatibility and men are likely to stress sexual withholding. This challenges Duck's reasons for breakdown.
    • Model of Breakdown (Rollie + Duck)
      • A01
        • 1 -Breakdown - Dissatisfied with relationship (cannot do this any more)
        • 2 - Intrapsychic - Social withdraw, point out partners flaws and re-evaluate the relationship
        • 3 - Dyadic - Talk about the relationship (at a point where the relationship can be saved)
        • 4 - Social - Seek support from third parties (people take sides)
        • 5 - Grave-dressing - Tidy up memories, stories are prepared for audiences and partners justify their actions (get their story out first)
        • 6 - Resurrection - Recreating sense of own value, what i learned and how things will be different
      • A02
        • Tashiro + Frazer
          • Surveyed undergrads who had recently broken up with their partners and they reported personal growth as well as distress but using grave-dressing and resurrection stage they were able to but their relationships at rest. This supports the model.
        • May be implications as it stresses the importance of communications in relationship breakdown. Paying attention to the way in which they communicate offers an insight and suggests appropriate interventions. Such as, in the intra psychic stage, repair might be involved in establishing such as partners being more positive.
          • As a result there is real world applications as the importance of social skills has led to the development of training programmes to enhance relationships.


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