Breakdown Of Relationship
- Created by: JazzCrook
- Created on: 24-09-14 09:33
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- Breakdown Of Relationship
- Duck (1998) Four stage model of dissolution
- 1) Intra-Psychic Stage
- Dissatisfaction- threshold of tollerance is reached, concern is voice
- Threshold- Cant stand this anymore
- Threshold: i would be justified leaving
- Threshold: i mean it now
- Time to move on and go and get a new life
- Threshold: i mean it now
- Threshold: i would be justified leaving
- Threshold- Cant stand this anymore
- 2) Dyadic Stage
- open unhappiness, discuss relationship/ intervention, if successfull relatonship continues, if not, next threshold
- Threshold: i would be justified leaving
- Threshold: i mean it now
- Time to move on and go and get a new life
- Threshold: i mean it now
- Threshold: i would be justified leaving
- 3) Social Phase
- Publically aware of difficulties, advice from peers and family is asked, offered support, break up inevitable
- 4) Grave Dressing Process
- Both sides of story- own version- face saving
- Rollie & Duck (2006)
- Felt a final stage was needed- ressurection process
- sense of value restored, prep for future
- open unhappiness, discuss relationship/ intervention, if successfull relatonship continues, if not, next threshold
- Dissatisfaction- threshold of tollerance is reached, concern is voice
- 1) Intra-Psychic Stage
- A03
- Reductionism Method focuses on isolated side relationship- not complexity- not respected as dynamic, respected as process rather than state
- Ethical Issues Socially sensitive information, privacy, confidential, emotional harm
- Duck (1998) Four stage model of dissolution
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