Breathing Sounds & What they mean
- Created by: M. Gomes
- Created on: 11-05-21 20:18
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- Breathing Sounds
- grunting
- pre-morbid sign
- indicates that glottis is closed
- wheezing
- inspiratory and expiratory (can be both)
- can be heard out loud or with stethoscope
- can indicate obstruction or narrowing
- Examples: allergies, bronch, pneumonia
- ronchi
- indicates secretions in large airway
- expiratory
- crackles
- generated wuthin small airways
- inspiratory and expiratory
- can be coarse which indicate pneumonia
- can be fine which indicate pulmonary oedema
- absent breath sounds
- indicate lung disorder
- pleural rub
- usually on expiration
- indicates lung inflammation or low lung vol
- stridor
- an inspiratory wheeze
- usually occurs due to an upper airway obstruction
- grunting
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