Breathing Underwater: Breathing Under Water- Anoushka Shankar- 2007
- Created by: Emily.Power
- Created on: 12-03-20 13:42
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- Breathing Underwater- Anoushka Shankar- 2007
- Structure
- Make use of traditional western structures
- Verse/chorus/instrumentals/introductions and codas
- Tonality
- Db major for the majority of the piece
- Tertiary modulation to a lydian-inflected A major
- Clear tonality but with modal inflections
- The Duchess, Portman 2008
- Little evidence of tonality being used to define structure
- Texture
- Wordless vocal line is used to link into the second main solo section
- Then low down harmonic filler in the second section and as a high descant to a third section and as a final resolution
- In the third section, the sitar drops to a lower register and the strings play in a higher register. this provides more interest
- Wordless vocal line is used to link into the second main solo section
- Melody
- Fusion between the complex sitar lines of Indian music with the lead vocals which are more Western in nature
- Sitar line is very ornate and quite complex, with many traditional figures
- There is much use of stepwise movement and repeated anacrusis phrases
- Allow the contours and phrases structure of the original song Sea Dreamer to shine through
- Rhythm, Metre & Tempo
- Sitar is rhythmically flexible with syncopations, triplets and quintuplets
- Debussy, Pagodes, 1903
- Each phrase has an anacrusis at the beginning
- Accompaniment provides rhythmic support to allow the sitar to be free
- Sitar is rhythmically flexible with syncopations, triplets and quintuplets
- Harmony
- Added note extension chords used in every bar
- Use of slash, major 7th and diminished chords
- Plagal cadence variation used
- IVm-I progression
- Common in pop music
- Sonority
- Melodic line ornamented
- Meend (slides)
- Kan (Grace note)
- Andolan (vibrato)
- Gamak (mordents/trills)
- Melodic line ornamented
- Context
- Ravi Shankar, famous sitar player as he father
- Grew up in multiple countries, hence the fusion
- Structure
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