Burning Fossil Fuels
- Created by: eviedeehan
- Created on: 12-03-24 19:50
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- Burning Fossil Fuels
- ff combustion
- oil in cars, natural gas in stoves, all ff combustion release CO2
- carbon cycle in equilibrium
- industralistion - combustion increased and temperatures have risen
- E+N Europe have warmer winters, S Europe have warmer summers and less precipitation - more drought and fires
- extreme weather events - increasing e.g sea temps at 27 degree means more tropical storms and intense
- impact on the Arctic
- permafrost thaw releasing ancient ghg - vegetation may be able to grow
- snow cover reduced and ice melts - reduced albedo effect, less radiation absorbed
- impact on the hydrological cycle
- rain instead of snow means winter floods, summer droughts
- glacial meltwater increase river discharge
- 2100 - no ice on Eastern Alps, limited W Alps
- ff combustion
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