business spec
- Created by: revise17
- Created on: 25-03-16 14:41
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- introduction into business
- enterprise
- business sectors
- types of businesses
- business objectives and strategy
- stakeholders and business objectives
- stakeholders
- business plana
- risk and uncertainty
- measures of performance: financial and non-financial
- decision making
- external influences
- the market, market structure, market size, share and growth
- demand and supply
- physical and non-physical markets
- competition
- market dominance
- global context
- political factors
- economic factors
- social factors
- technological factors
- ethical factors
- legal factors
- environmental factors
- accounting and finance
- sources of finance
- management accounting
- costs, revenue and profit
- break-even analysis
- investment appraisal
- budgets and variences
- cash-flow
- working capital
- financial accounting
- income statement
- statement and financial position
- ratio analysis
- human resource management
- organisation
- the workforce
- recruitment
- selection
- training
- workforce performance
- appraisal
- redundancy and dismissal
- management
- functions of management
- leadership
- motivation
- employer/employee relations
- marketing
- marketing resources
- the marketing strategy
- the marketing mix
- product
- place
- price
- the production process
- methods of production
- services
- productive efficiency
- productivity
- capacity utilization and management
- added value
- economies and diseconomies of scale
- stock control
- lean efficiency
- productive quality
- internal quality standardss
- external quality standards
- introduction into business
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