Business Ethics Mind Map
- Created by: Kirsty Hawkins
- Created on: 26-09-14 14:39
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- Business Ethics
- Christianty
- Situation Ethics
- "Treat others as you want to be treated"
- "Money is the root of all evil"
- Whistleblowing?
- Kantian Ethics
- 3 catergorical imperatives:
- Act as if you're in the "kingdom of ends"
- Universalizability: act only on a maxim you wish you apply to everyone"
- "Do not use people as a means to an end"
- Whistleblowing - is it our duty to do this?
- 3 catergorical imperatives:
- Utilitarianism
- "Greatest good for the greatest number"
- Different types of Utilitarianism
- Act
- Preference
- "put yourself in other peoples shoes"
- Rule
- Virtue Ethics
- Christianty
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