Cabinet and Executive
- Created by: jacksie
- Created on: 11-05-21 19:38
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- The executive and prime minister
- Layout
- different models of government
- prime ministerial
- prime ministers office
- expanded under Blair
- administrative support
- shape policy
- press office
- political office
- keep MPs happy
- prime ministers office
- cabinet
- ministers
- departments
- arm-length bodies
- civil servants
- arm-length bodies
- departments
- cabinet office
- administrative support
- timetables agenda
- briefs ministers
- cross-departmental policies
- administrative support
- committees and sub committees
- May introduced 5 main, and 10 sub
- housing, digital infrastructure
- implementation taskforces
- housing, digital infrastructure
- May introduced 5 main, and 10 sub
- ministers
- core executive
- emphasises the interdependency of government
- four resources
- institutional resources
- political resources
- constitutive resources
- personal resources
- may have access to a few but not all
- four resources
- ministers need the PM, and the PM needs the minister
- emphasises the interdependency of government
- prime ministerial
- prime ministerial
- prime ministers office
- expanded under Blair
- administrative support
- shape policy
- press office
- political office
- keep MPs happy
- prime ministers office
- different models of government
- functions and powers
- shape policy
- campaign
- manifesto
- primary legislation
- day-day management
- government departments
- civil servants outline options
- special advisors
- think tanks
- lobbyists
- think tanks
- special advisors
- civil servants outline options
- government departments
- day-day management
- primary legislation
- manifesto
- campaign
- policy require authorisation
- acts of parliament
- standing order(14)
- programme motion
- time limit
- case of taxation
- 1689 Bill of rights
- Finance bill
- chancellor outlines the budget
- 2010
- budget deficit
- Osborne introduced austerity
- Finance (no.2)
- increased VAT
- cuts in government spending
- increased VAT
- Finance (no.2)
- Osborne introduced austerity
- budget deficit
- 2010
- chancellor outlines the budget
- Finance bill
- 1689 Bill of rights
- case of taxation
- time limit
- programme motion
- standing order(14)
- secondary legislation
- fill in gaps
- Higher Education Act 2004
- adjust tuition fees to inflation
- Higher Education Act 2004
- statutory instruments
- negative and affirmative procedure
- rarely defeated
- skeleton bills
- bare bones filled with SIs
- childcare act 2016
- bare bones filled with SIs
- 2020 Covid
- rule of 6
- half a day's debate
- Bingham Institute Rule of Law
- minsiterial decree
- Bingham Institute Rule of Law
- half a day's debate
- rule of 6
- skeleton bills
- rarely defeated
- negative and affirmative procedure
- fill in gaps
- acts of parliament
- shape policy
- collective responsibility
- binding
- that all decisons made by parliament are binding
- supported by the cabinet
- robin cook
- resignation 2003
- did not support the Iraq war
- wrong to make a precedent for unilateral military action
- did not support the Iraq war
- resignation 2003
- robin cook
- supported by the cabinet
- BoJo
- Iain Duncan Smith
- that all decisons made by parliament are binding
- secrecy
- Cabinet discussions are important details must be kept secret
- Gavin Williamson firing over 2018 NSC leaks
- highly sensitive nature
- Huaweii 5G network
- Telegraph announced details
- Williamson seen speaking to journalist
- Telegraph announced details
- Huaweii 5G network
- last minister sacked over leaks
- Chancellor Hugh Dalton
- budget printed in News before his speech
- leaks are a regular occurrence
- government Sieve
- little regard for this convention
- government Sieve
- leaks are a regular occurrence
- budget printed in News before his speech
- Chancellor Hugh Dalton
- highly sensitive nature
- Gavin Williamson firing over 2018 NSC leaks
- Cabinet discussions are important details must be kept secret
- confidence vote
- Margaret Thatcher
- james Callaghan in 1979
- won by one vote
- Labour had a wafer thin majority of 3
- Poor economy
- stagnation
- Winter of discontent
- Early Day motion
- Winter of discontent
- stagnation
- Poor economy
- Labour had a wafer thin majority of 3
- been through 3 leaders since 1974
- won by one vote
- james Callaghan in 1979
- Margaret Thatcher
- binding
- Individual ministerial responsibilty
- policy failures
- Dugdale
- 1954
- Critchel Down
- land taken from private owners to support the war effort
- monumental error in the redistribution
- land taken from private owners to support the war effort
- personal misconduct
- Maria Meeks
- 2014
- expenses
- 2014
- Nolan Committee 1995
- maintain seven characteristics
- selfness
- integrity
- objectivity
- integrity
- selfness
- maintain seven characteristics
- michael Fallon
- Attitudes towards women
- Liam Fox
- adam werrity
- defense meetings
- adam werrity
- Liam Fox
- Attitudes towards women
- Maria Meeks
- Dugdale
- mistakes within departments
- Carrington
- 1981
- Falklands war
- largest fleet assembled since WW2
- Falklands war
- 1981
- blurred accountabilty
- A-level scandal
- gavin Williamson 35% grades downgraded
- Ofqual
- non-ministerial departments
- Vernon Bogdanor
- emphasised as they answer to parliament and the courts
- not to minister
- emphasised as they answer to parliament and the courts
- more freedom
- Vernon Bogdanor
- alb
- non-ministerial departments
- Institute for Government
- Apprentieship, skills, chidren learnin act 2009
- must consider government policy
- created ofqual
- Apprentieship, skills, chidren learnin act 2009
- Ofqual
- gavin Williamson 35% grades downgraded
- A-level scandal
- Carrington
- political pressures
- Chief Whip
- andrew Mitchell
- 2012
- policemen a pleb
- 2012
- andrew Mitchell
- Chief Whip
- policy failures
- most power
- not static
- flows depending on resources leader
- prime minsiter
- powers of patronage
- reshuffles
- May sackled seven of Cameron
- political limtations
- Blair could not sack brown
- May
- Corbyn Night of the blunt Stilleto
- weak and unstable ledership
- Harold Macmillan
- weak and unstable ledership
- Corbyn Night of the blunt Stilleto
- Political parties are ideologically diverse
- has to represent different factions
- however PM can influence
- Cameron sacking of Clarke for Grayling
- most liberal for very conservative
- Grayling defend homophobic b-n-b on the basis of christianity
- May home Sec - 'you let them out'
- most liberal for very conservative
- Cameron sacking of Clarke for Grayling
- however PM can influence
- has to represent different factions
- constitutional limitations
- have to MPs rather than peers
- reshuffles
- sofa politics
- development of televeision and media
- powers of patronage
- personal mandate
- spatial leadership
- cabinet
- Major undermined with leaks
- Civil servant described May cabinet as a sieve
- bastards
- Watchful of cabinet member sthan formal enemy
- more assertive lords
- weak majority
- devolution
- Untitled
- Major undermined with leaks
- not static
- Layout
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