Campaigns for Change
- Created by: Andreana20015
- Created on: 01-11-22 11:22
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- Campaigns for Change
- Sarah's Law
- Sarah's law was created after the abduction and murder of 8 year old Sarah Payne by a registered sex offend in the area.
- she died July 1st 2000.
- Sarah's law allows parents, carers or guardians to ask the police for information about a person who has contact with their child, or a child close to them.
- Her parents believed that this could have been preventable if they knew Roy Whiting's background.
- Sarah's Law is a nation wide scheme that has many supporters including MPs, Politian e.g., Paul Booteng.
- The home office classified the law as a success as figures say it has helped protect 60+ children
- It used media such as newspapers e.g., news of the world.
- Sarah's law was created after the abduction and murder of 8 year old Sarah Payne by a registered sex offend in the area.
- Clare's Law
- Michael Brown campaigned for change in law after his daughter Clare was murdered by her ex-boyfriend
- It was initially set up across 4 areas then in sept 2012 it went national
- Figures show that there was more then 1300 warnings in a year.
- Clare's law was supported by MPs and the association of chief police affairs
- It used media such as prime-time TV, radio, newspapers and magazines articles.
- Lillian's Law
- Lillian's Law was backed by her family as she was their young daughter who died when hit by a driver with weed in their system in 2010
- It is national and was successful and had over 20000 signatures.
- Aimed to introduce drug testing devices and wanted to have tougher sentances on those who do
- It was supported by local MP Gavin Barwell of Croydon.
- Bobby Turnball
- Bobby Turnbulls mum, sister and aunt were killed on Horden New Year's Day massacre.
- person who has served or received a criminal sentence will not be able to possess an antique firearm.
- His law was spearheaded by himself and by 2000 people.
- He made appeals on television to government MPs.
- Firearms act 1968 prevented people with a criminal sentence over 3 months can not own a firearm.
- Sarah's Law
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