Can sociology be value free?
- Created by: annagaskell
- Created on: 18-05-19 11:05
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- can sociology be value free?
- yes it can be value free
- earlier positivists (comte and durkiem)
- uncovering social facts means social problems can be fixed
- social facts are quantitative and macro
- objective certainty about whats best for society
- later positivists
- problem takers not problem makers
- should have no moral backbone
- establish trth about behaviour not praise or condemn it
- earlier positivists (comte and durkiem)
- no it cant be value free (value laden)
- gouldner and weber
- taking sides is important, shouldn't sit on fence, moral responsibilty
- gouldner- funding bodies and career prospects
- funding boides control direction and career aspirations influence choice of topic
- functionalists
- support conservative values
- affect choice of topic, method and conclusion
- support conservative values
- marxists
- raise awareness of oppression result in revolution
- affect choice of topic, method and conclusion
- raise awareness of oppression result in revolution
- feminists
- want to improve lives of women, study domestic violence, ****
- want to improve lives of women, study domestic violence, ****
- gouldner and weber
- it is desirable to let values influence research (committed sociology)
- committed sociology
- should use compassion in deciding what and how to research in order to improve lives
- by not choosing a side, choosing the side of the powerful
- becker- whos side are we on
- compassionate stance of the underdog and give them a voice
- weber
- vales important in selection topic, interpreting, dealing with findings. but shouldn't influence collection
- committed sociology
- yes it can be value free
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