Care values
- Created by: Anelka
- Created on: 30-03-14 15:16
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- care values
- the welfare of the child: children should be listened to and their views considered.
- safety of children: children should be kept safe at all times.
- providing a safe and healthy working environment: safe working practices must exist
- working in partnership with parents and children: sharing information with parents. Respect for family traditions.
- learning and development: children should be offered a range of activites that support development (PIES)
- valuing diversity: information relating to traditions should be presented in a positive way.
- equal opportunity: each child should be offered quality of access to opportunities to learn.
- anti-discrimination: expressions of prejudice by children or adults should be challenged.
- the reflective practitioner: early years officer will need to reflect on the practice for development.
- confidentiality: information should be kept safe and not shared.
- working with other professionals: essential for the welfare of children.
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