The Bingley Sisters
Quotes relating to Miss Caroline Bingley and Mrs Louisa Hurst
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- Created on: 16-12-16 15:11
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- Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst
- Charming and witty
- Letter from Caroline Bingley (Chapter 7)
- "My Dear Friend"
- "For a whole day's Tête á Tête between two women can never end without a quarrel"
- "Yours ever, Caroline Bingley"
- Opinions of Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst
- Chapter 4 Austin narration
- "They were in fact very fine ladies"
- "They were rather handsome"
- "...been educated in one of the private seminaries in town"
- Chapter 4 Jane to Elizabeth
- "They are very pleasing women"
- "I am much mistaken if we shall not find a very charming neighbour in her" (on Caroline Bingley)
- Chapter 4 Austin narration
- Letter from Caroline Bingley (Chapter 7)
- Rude and proud
- Chapter 8 on the Bennets
- "...and such low connections" Mrs Hurst
- ""That is capital" added her sister, and they both laughed heartily" Miss Bingley on family relations in Cheapside
- "She really looked almost wild" Mrs Hurst on Elizabeth Bennet
- ""She has in short nothing to recommend her"" Mrs Hurst on Elizabeth Bennet
- ""Her hair so untidy, so blowsy!"" Miss Bingley on Elizabeth Bennet
- Opinions of Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst
- Chapter 4 Austin narration
- "...but proud and conceited"
- " the habit of spending more than they ought"
- "...associating with people of rank"
- "...and were therefore entitled to think well of themselves and meanly of others"
- Chapter 4 Austin narration
- Chapter 8 on the Bennets
- Charming and witty
- Whilst it is important to think of Miss Bingley and Mrs Hurst of being minor antagonists of the novel, it is easy to lock into that mind-set without remembering the other things the sisters are actually good for (i.e. charm, wit and accomplishment) other than over-flirting with Mr Darcy
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