Case Study and PS
- Created by: katieplatts
- Created on: 25-04-19 22:06
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- The study of a case within a real-life contemporary context
- Focuses on events/behaviours that occur, the effects of interventions and psychological constructs.
- Large amounts of info gathered on small amounts of participants
- WHY are they needed?
- In-depth exploration of a variety of issues
- Accumulate knowledge about how to apply scientific principles in sport
- Support development of interventions for improving performance
- Main Features
- Single or Multiple
- Intrinsic
- Study of a case where the case itself is the main focus
- Instrumental
- Facilitates understanding of something else
- Types of Case Study
- Determined by purpose and size of case
- Intrinsic
- Focus on person, event, intervention to explain context
- Instrumental
- Focus on issue then find someone to support
- HOW To Conduct
- Data collection - interviews, documents, surveys, observation
- Method of analysis - within-case analysis, cross-case analysis
- Practical Significance
- Ask participant for their views
- Extent to which results are useful in real world
- HOW to measure PS
- Social Validation Questionnaire
- Assesses percieved benefits of intervention
- Encourages client reflection
- Questions to ask...
- How useful was intervention?
- How important was it?
- Has your practice changed as a result?
- Social Validation Questionnaire
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