Case Study: The snowy Mountains Scheme
- Created by: rebeccahankinson
- Created on: 20-05-15 16:06
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- Case Study: The snowy Mountains Scheme
- This scheme involves 16 major dams, 7 power stations and a network of pipes and aqueducts
- Problems Created
- Creation of strong lakes has destroyed wildlife habitats
- Snowy River flow has fallen to 1%
- Ground water salinisation results from low flow
- Water security has lead to competition between users
- Political fallout meant governments had to restore some of the flow in the Snowy River and invest in water- saving projects
- Record droughts due to to El Nino have used up the water allocations
- Water futures
- The issues of future projections are that climate change is occurring but its exact impact cannot be predicted.
- Also continued economic growth may not be inevitable e.g. credit crunch, finally political and religious conflicts can create further issues
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