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- Created by: TomT95
- Created on: 17-11-13 16:06
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- Catalysis
- Heterogeneous catalysis & making catalysts more efficient
- present in a reaction in a different phase than the reactants
- increase surface area
- the larger the surface area, the better the efficiency
- spread catalyst onto an inert support medium, or even impregnate it into one
- increase the surface-to-mass ratio
- catalysts do not last forever
- poisoning - surfaces become covered with unwanted impurities
- finely divided catalysts may be lost from the support medium over time
- Some important examples of heterogeneous catalysis
- Haber process
- iron catalyst
- lasts five years before becoming poisoned
- peas-sized lumps; increases surface area
- iron catalyst
- Contact process
- vanadium(v) oxide catalyst
- vanadium(v) oxide catalyst
- manufacture of methanol
- synthesis gas is made from methane
- chromium oxide catalyst
- synthesis gas is made from methane
- Haber process
- Homogeneous catalysis & a further example of catalysis by transition metals
- present in the same phase as the reactants, an intermediate is formed
- peroxodisulfate ions oxidise iodide ions to iodine
- Autocatalysis
- when one of the products of the reaction is a catalyst of the reaction
- oxidation of ethanedioic acid by manganate(vii) ions
- Heterogeneous catalysis & making catalysts more efficient
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