Causes of the Civil War
- Created by: Rebbeca
- Created on: 13-05-16 11:06
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- Causes of the Civil War
- Religion
- Charles married a catholic
- Charles tried to make the Scottish use the English prayer book.
- He tried to make the churches more catholic.
- Money
- Charles tried to raise Ship Money Tax, even though they were not in a time of war.
- Parliament stopped Charles from raising taxes
- Parliament demands more power 1640
- Charles gave in to these demands
- Parliament demands more power 1640
- Parliament thought that they should have a say in decisions.
- Power
- Parliament introduced the Petition of Rights 1628
- No taxes could be levied without Parliament consent
- No English subject could be imprisoned without cause.
- No quartering of soldiers in citizens homes.
- No martial law may be used in times of peace.
- Charles ruled without Parliament for 11 years
- Parliament wanted to be more involved in Charles choices.
- Parliament demands more power 1640
- Charles gave in to these demands
- Charles tried to arrest 5 MPs 1642.
- Charles was losing the Spanish war; Sailors were starving.
- Money
- Charles tried to raise Ship Money Tax, even though they were not in a time of war.
- Parliament stopped Charles from raising taxes
- Parliament thought that they should have a say in decisions.
- Power
- Parliament introduced the Petition of Rights 1628
- No taxes could be levied without Parliament consent
- No English subject could be imprisoned without cause.
- No quartering of soldiers in citizens homes.
- No martial law may be used in times of peace.
- Charles ruled without Parliament for 11 years
- Parliament wanted to be more involved in Charles choices.
- Charles tried to arrest 5 MPs 1642.
- Charles was losing the Spanish war; Sailors were starving.
- Charles believed in the 'Divine rights of Kings' and that Parliament should not tell him what to do.
- Parliament introduced the Petition of Rights 1628
- Power
- Money
- Charles believed in the 'Divine rights of Kings' and that Parliament should not tell him what to do.
- Parliament introduced the Petition of Rights 1628
- Power
- Religion
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