Causes of the General Strike
- Created by: elenaws
- Created on: 13-06-21 17:13
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- Fall in the production and price of coal
- Britain had exhausted its supply of cheap coal and began to exploit oil reserves abroad
- Increased competition from American and German mines kept coal prices low
- Rising trade union discontent after the embarrassment of Black Friday
- Unions more determined to succeed in another strike/direct action against the government
- The 1925 return to the gold standard
- British exports became more expensive, causing wage cuts
- The determination of mine owners to maintain profits
- With the new gold standard, wages would have to be cut by ten percent to keep British products competitive
- The change in industrial relations brought about by the First World War
- Nationalisation of industry meant that trade unions were in direct contact with the government
- Red Friday
- Only a short term solution; one that intensified support for and opposition to industrial militancy
- Fall in the production and price of coal
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