Road to WW2
- Created by: insertwittyname
- Created on: 01-11-18 12:20
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- Causes of WW2
- Nazi-Soviet Pact
- Ensured that neither side would attack each other
- Secretly split Poland between them so Hitler could invade
- Effects of the peace treaties
- Britain also began to think that the Treaty was too harsh
- Did nothing to stop Hitler breaking the terms
- Failed to keep the peace; main cause of Hitler's rise to power
- Britain also began to think that the Treaty was too harsh
- Appeasement
- Britain and France were suffering after the Depression and needed time to prepare for war
- Clearly failed after Hitler did not uphold the terms of the Munich Agreement and invaded Czechoslovakia
- Gave Hitler confidence that he could do anything and would not be hindered
- Based on the incorrect assumption that Hitler could be trusted
- Hitler's aims and actions
- Ending the Treaty of Versailles
- Effects of the peace treaties
- Britain also began to think that the Treaty was too harsh
- Did nothing to stop Hitler breaking the terms
- Failed to keep the peace; main cause of Hitler's rise to power
- Britain also began to think that the Treaty was too harsh
- Stopped paying reparations in 1933
- Began rebuilding the army and built war planes in 1933
- Held a military rally in 1935 to show his new military to the world
- Signed the Anglo-German Naval Agreement in 1935 which allowed Hitler a navy a third of the size of Britain's
- Remilitarised the Rhineland in 1936
- Effects of the peace treaties
- Expand German territory for Lebensraum
- Anschluss
- Sudetenland
- End communism
- Signed the Anti-Comintern Pact with Japan to limit Communist influence- joined by Italy in 1937 to form the Axis Powers
- Ending the Treaty of Versailles
- Failures of the League
- USA not involved; other leaders not committed
- Looked upon as weak by countries like Germany, Italy and Japan
- Nazi-Soviet Pact
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