Causes Of Conflict
- Created by: secrett
- Created on: 21-05-15 14:24
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- Causes of conflict
- Identity
- Set of characteristics that make you who you are
- Groups of different identities can lead to conflicts
- Identity conflicts can be cause by nationalism, regionalism and localism.
- Nationalism: Strong identity related to the country you're from.
- Regionalism related to a regional identity
- Localism: Local identity
- Ethnicity
- Part of identity
- Doesn't have to be the same as your nationality
- Ethnic conflict is between ethnic groups e.g. One group believing they are superior
- Culture
- How you live your life
- Cultural differences can result in conflicts
- Resources
- Conflicts can occur when people are competing for the same resources, such as
- Territory
- Water
- Buildings
- Oil
- Conflicts can occur when people are competing for the same resources, such as
- Ideology
- Set of ideas over how something should be
- Groups with different ideologies can have different ideas that can result in conflicts
- Identity
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