Causes of detente
- Created by: Georgia Ivy
- Created on: 04-06-15 19:15
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- Causes of detente
- Economic need
- Inflation reached 6% in 1970
- unemployment rose to more than 5% (1970s)
- end of the Bretton Woods currency system
- less stable trade and economic difficulties throughout the West
- reduce defence spending
- 1/6 the size of USA economy
- demands for consumer goods
- encouraged trade and loans with West
- Impact of Vietnam
- primary objective was removal from the war
- weakened moral authority of the US
- extremely expensive ($30 billion)
- USSR supported the Vietcong
- Arms Race
- Fear from CMC
- "sufficiency over superiority"
- SALT shows Nixon was different to other US leaders
- Soviet were equal in status
- Ostpolitik
- 1970/1 West and East Germany negoitate
- Helsinki Accords 1975 driven by European detente
- European detente a more influential external factor than China
- USA and USSR reacting to what's already there
- Triangular Diplomacy
- Politburo feared anti-Soviet alliance between USA and China
- Sino-Soviet tension
- Usury River incident 1969 (borders dispute)
- Mao's revolution- difference in ideology
- Sino-Soviet tension
- Nixon visited China 1972
- signed Shanghai communique with Mao
- 26 joint projects
- 1973- $64.3 billion on trade
- Politburo feared anti-Soviet alliance between USA and China
- Economic need
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