Signalling Pathway
- Created by: mina_l
- Created on: 03-11-16 16:36
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- Signalling pathway
- gap junctions
- Ions
- Metabolites
- sugars
- cAMP
- contact dependent(by membrane bound signal molecule)
- autocrine
- self-signalling
- paracrine (by mediator molecule)
- synaptic
- endocrine( through bloodstream into the target cell)
- Extracellular signal
- chemical (e.g.: testosterone, insulin, acetylcholine)
- ion channel linked receptors (undergo conformational change)
- electrical signal
- ion channel linked receptors (undergo conformational change)
- Role: transfer of information
- combined
- maintaining existance
- differentiate
- division
- death
- chemical (e.g.: testosterone, insulin, acetylcholine)
- reception
- transduction
- amplification: second messengers
- Cellular response
- amplification: second messengers
- Extracellular signal
- chemical (e.g.: testosterone, insulin, acetylcholine)
- ion channel linked receptors (undergo conformational change)
- electrical signal
- ion channel linked receptors (undergo conformational change)
- Role: transfer of information
- combined
- maintaining existance
- differentiate
- division
- death
- chemical (e.g.: testosterone, insulin, acetylcholine)
- inside the cell
- steroid hormones
- conformational change
- regulates gene transcription
- conformational change
- NO gas
- steroid hormones
- cell membrane
- cytokinases
- neurotransmitters
- transduction
- gap junctions
- physical (e.g.: light, pressure)
- no receptor => no response
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