Model of Cells - The Basic Units of Life 2.0
- Created by: Jayden Chan
- Created on: 11-07-18 04:07
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- Model of Cells -The Basic Units of Life 2.0
- Function of organelles
- Cell Vacuole
- Stores substances within the cell
- Plant cells have a large central vacuole
- made of dissolved sugars & mineral
- Animal cells have many vacuoles
- containing water and food substances
- Plant cells have a large central vacuole
- Stores substances within the cell
- Mitochondrion
- Site where cellular respiration takes place.
- Chloroplast
- Contains chlorophyll to trap sunlight for manufacture of food
- Found only in green / coloured plants
- Contains chlorophyll to trap sunlight for manufacture of food
- Cell membrane
- Allow some substances to move in and out of the cell (partially permeable)
- Nucleus
- Controls activities in the cell, for cell division
- Cell Wall
- Supports plant cell; Giving regular shape
- Cell Vacuole
- Types
- Plant
- Cell Wall
- Chloroplast
- Cell membrane
- Nucleus
- Mitochondrion
- Cytoplasm
- Chromosome
- Animal
- Nucleus
- Cell Membrane
- Cytoplasm
- Mitochondrion
- Plant
- Function of organelles
- Jayden
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