OCR Computing Chapter 1
- Created by: AliceSarah
- Created on: 06-06-17 19:07
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- Ch. 1 - Fundamentals
- System Types
- General Purpose: used for lots, can load apps
- Dedicated: perform one function
- Control: don't produce output, control machines
- Embedded: part of a larger system
- Expert: make decisions like a human
- Standards
- Ensures fair access to markets
- opens markets to comp. lowers costs
- Easier to learn new systems - all similar
- Minimise wastage
- Exist for: languages, OS, data formats, interfaces
- Equipment from diff. manufacturer work together
- Reliability
- Mistakes cause expensive errors, data loss, privacy loss, down time
- Data Integrity: Data is consistent and accurate. Reflects reality
- Compromised by human errors, bugs, malware and fires, etc.
- Reduce risks by: back ups, user access levels, rules to prevent input of invalid data
- Testing increases reliability but is long and expensive & software is complex
- General
- Def: Hardware & software - does a task
- Inputs, processes, outputs
- Separated from outside by interfaces
- Leads to:better & cheaper manufacture, faster access to info, better decision making, new ways to communicate
- Ethical/Legal Issues
- UK Data Protection Act needed because it is easy to copy and transmit data
- Challenges: privacy, security, copyright, terrorism
- Data Protection Laws: allow people to view/ change/ choose how to use data about them
- Data is protected from unauthorised access, deleted wen it is no longer needed, only collected for specific purposes
- Stopping cyber crime - tricky bc internet crosses borders
- Environmental Impacts
- Less need for travel & transport of goods
- Reduce energy: virtual servers, automatic standby, energy saving screens
- Robots make goods more accurately - less waste
- Old computers burned in developing countries - poison
- Computers use a lot of energy
- System Types
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