Challenges facing food security
- Created by: izzwizz16
- Created on: 29-03-17 18:57
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- Challenges facing global food supply
- Balancing supply and demand sustainably
- Better use of existing knowledge and technology
- Capitalising on new science and technology
- Reducing waste (as much as 30% food grown is wasted)
- Improving governance of the global food system
- Influencing demand
- Addressing the threat of future volatility in the food system
- Likely to affect poorest the most, especially in urban areas
- Ending hunger
- 925 million are hungry, + an additional billion- hidden hunger.
- Agricultural development
- Action by the international community
- Reducing gender inequality and improving education.
- Meeting the challenges of the low emissions world
- Agriculture = 12-14% of GHG emissions.
- Legislation needed
- Finding new strategies that work in a low emissions world.
- Reducing deforestation
- Conflict with biofuels?
- Balancing supply and demand sustainably
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