Changing Party Fortunes 1918-31
- Created by: sandramelnyk
- Created on: 05-12-19 20:51
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- Changing Party Fortunes 1918-31
- Liberals
- Trevor Wilson = healthy in 1914 but run over by ‘a rampant omnibus’
- Laissez-faire but war forced otherwise with rationing & conscription etc
- Split between LG & Asquith from 1916
- ‘Maurice debate’ 1918 - personal bitterness between LG & Asquith
- Tories didn’t want coalition due to rumours of corruption
- Cash for Honours & Chanak
- LG had funds through sale of honours but wouldn’t share until followed this ideas
- Only when Asquith stepped down in 1926, LG shared his funds but too late to take on Labour
- Conservatives
- Baldwin presented himself as normal man of people despite inheriting his family’s steel industry
- Ran his factories fairly & keen to promote harmony between workers & employers in British economy
- Key speaker against LG at 1922 Carlton Club - Tories abandoned coalition
- won over LG’s remaining supporters by adopting Protectionism
- Until ROPA 1948, ‘plural vote’ allowed Oxford & Cambridge Unis & City of London to return 14 MPs (always Tory)
- 1921 Irish Free State gained independencefrom UK = Liberals lost support of around 80 Nationalist Irish MPs but Tories still had 10 Northern Irish MPs
- FPTP benefitted Tories - needed less votes to return an MP than other parties (15,943)
- Baldwin presented himself as normal man of people despite inheriting his family’s steel industry
- Labour
- 1923 more votes than Liberals for 1st time
- 1924 Ramsay MacDonald PM
- Emerged from war united with huge growth in TU membership
- Started representing working class, helping win supporters from Liberals
- Asquith backed minority Labour govt after 1923 as he though it would do a bad job & have to rely on Liberal support - he was wrong
- MacDonald ruled with economic caution & impressed everyone with his conduct of foreign affairs
- Liberals
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