Chapter 6 AQA Full ch industrialisation

  • Created by: Maisiew01
  • Created on: 01-05-24 09:26
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  • Chapter 6 AQA Industrialisation
    • Impacts of war
      • Jeremy Bentham (philosopher and reformer) argued that a more representativeelectoral system was essential
        • William Cobbet= outstanding political journalist. Pitt wanted him but he chose to retain independence1802 he launched his political register which exposed government mishandling of the war and spoke out against parliamentary corruption. He believed unrest was caused by unemployment and starvation
        • Jeremy Bentham= influential radical with strong following for his philosophy of utilitarianism. He was progressive but never extreme.
    • Politics and war
      • 1st phase of war with france ended by treaty of Amiens 1802.
        • Addington criticised for hesitating to declare war with France in 1803after Napoleon breached peace terms
          • Addington built a home guard in case of French attack. Levee en masse act listed all men between 17-55. Biggest armed mobilisation ever attempted by Britain. Over 800,000 men under arms
            • Addington ordered a blockade of French ports to attack their trading ability, he also introduced efficiencies in income tax to boost war funds.
              • Addington faced a lot of criticism. May 1804 Addington stepped aside and let Pitt be PM again.
                • 1806 Pitt dies,
                  • Korean Grenville fails to deal with war and 3rd coalition crumbled->ÇA brought down Grenville-> Spencer Perceval assassinated1812
    • Economics
      • November 1806 Berlin Decrees which put Britain in a state of blockade and forbade European trade with them
        • Milan decrees extended this and threatened that any ships that entered British ports could be seized by the French
          • Britain retaliated with Orders In Council January 1807- this said that any countries that excluded British ships would be subjected to a British blockade. Grenville was a believer in free trade but was overruled
            • Napoleon sabotaged his own blockade by allowing the export of French wheat. He was unable to successfully seal off the entire European coast and trade continued through certain ports
              • The British blockade inflicted more harm on France than exclusion from Europe ever did to Britain
      • Pitt payed for the war by raising loans. 1797 Bank of England had to suspend payments in gold.
        • 1801 national debt was £456 million
          • 1815 national debt was £876 million
        • 1798 Pitt introduced income tax for the first time
          • Income tax was intended only as a war time measure but by 1806 it had begun to offset some of the high costs of war and aided the country’s financial recovery
      • Strength of Britains economy was a key factor in Britains ability to continue long wars with France
        • Industrialisation continued at  an increasing rate despite the war which even stimulated some areas of the economy
          • Huge demand for armaments increased demand for coal and iron. Army and navy required uniforms which stimulated the textile industry.
            • Economic and political crisis in 1810 and 1811 caused by the governments insistence on continuing the orders in council. Merchants and manufacturersfelt it was unnecessary govt interference
              • Newly emerging South American countries eager for British goods>
                • manufacturersoverprofuced and within months faced consequencesof an economic collapse-> 2 consecutive harvests failed-> shortness of cash-> overproduction of bank notes-> inflation
            • Textiles were given a further boost by orders from both Britains allies and enemies, even France, Napoleon was forced to life his blockade for much needed supplies of British greatcoats and boots


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