Animal Farm - Chapter analysis - Chapter 4
- Created by: Tash
- Created on: 22-05-13 20:21
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- Chapter 4
- Humans are worried that the Rebellion will spread out of the farm.
- News of the farms "Outbreak" spreads further than Frederick and Pilkington want it to
- Humans are presented as cruel and hypocritical.
- Backs up Old Majors speech
- Justifies the revolution.
- Pigeons from the farm spread the song "Beasts of England" to other farms.
- Some animals carry out small disruptions against their masters
- Trotsky wanted to spread the revolution and so did Snowball
- Animals win the Battle of the Cowshed
- Snowball is an "excellent" general.
- In charge of defensive operations.
- Snowball is an "excellent" general.
- Gives out orders quickly.
- Boxers kindness gets the better of him.
- He wants to use as little force as possible.
- Snowball says that "the only good human being asa a dead one".
- He wants to use as little force as possible.
- Snowball and Boxer recieve "Animal hero - First class" Medal.
- Rewarding Boxers loyalty increases the pigs control over him.
- The medals create an inequality betwee the animals.
- This is meant to inspire the animals but instead it seperates them.
- The medals create an inequality betwee the animals.
- Rewarding Boxers loyalty increases the pigs control over him.
- Humans are worried that the Rebellion will spread out of the farm.
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