character analysis: Izzy
- Created by: Lily06
- Created on: 21-10-18 15:11
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- character analysis: Izzy
- reckless
- wants power
- but is shocked at Mia's use of Valium on Alice, mostly because she doesn't want to get into trouble
- selfish
- 16 years old
- "I was exploiting my hay fever to the maximum"
- flirtacious
- flirts a lot with Henry until he finally gives in and sleeps with her
- nasty
- responsible for the brutal initiation
- spiteful
- mean to Mia
- manipulative
- manipulates Alice
- "you wouldn't want to make this tricky, now would you?"
- needy
- sleeps with Henry and wants him to love her
- desperate
- wants attention
- cheeky
- spends most of her time, unsupervised, at boarding school
- teases Mia about her night with her brother
- "respect your elders sweetie"
- reckless
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