Media: Characteristics of New Media
- Created by: mayono1
- Created on: 31-08-18 10:43
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- Characteristics of New Media
- Digitalisation
- The growth of digital technology in the 1990s resulted in changes in the way information is stored and transmitted. All info is now converted into binary code.
- Technological convergence
- Digitalisation resulted in the convergence of different types of information into a single delivery system.
- Boyle (2005) notes that digitalisation allows info to be delivered across a range of platforms that were once separate.
- It's now possible to watch TV, take photos and listen to music etc all on one device.
- Economic convergence
- Media industries that once produced separate devices make economic alliances with each other and made multimedia delivery systems (Samsung, Sony etc)
- Cultural convergence
- Jenkins notes that media convergence has changed the way we interact with each other and the media.
- We use media for shopping, music, TV, holidays, clothing etc.
- Interactivity
- Media responds in 'real time' through clicking on links.
- Users can select the stories they want to read, in the order that they want.
- Choice
- Audiences can choose what they want to do and do it whenever they want.
- Boyle notes that society's use of TV has evolved from a supply-led to a demand-led.
- Participatory culture
- Audiences are no longer passive recievers but can collaborate with media via Facebook, YouTube etc.
- Collective intelligence
- Jenkins notes 'none of us can know everything; each of us knows something; and we can put the pieces together if we pool our resources and combine our skills'
- Digitalisation
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