Characteristics of public schools

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  • Characteristics of 19th Centuary Public Schools And Thier Impact
    • NON LOCAL- A great variety of regional games were adopted and adapted by individual schools.
    • GENTRY- Influential families brought status and money and influenced the types of activities brought to the school.
    • EXPANDING- As numbers increased, houses were formed which became the hub of games.
    • BOYS- Great energy and enthusiasm to be channelled into games.
    • SPARTAN- Harsh treatment and living conditions prepared boys for the rigours of competitive sport and adult life.
    • FEE PAYING- Fees could develop facilties, e.g gymnasia, squash and swimming baths. Fee-payers were influential pupils and less restricted than scholars who often had assisted places.
    • CONTROLLED BY TRUSTEES- Trustees were influential people keen to promote the school, so keen to invest in sporting success.
    • ENDOWED- Well-endowed schools that recieved large gifts of money or property could build facilties and employ more assistant master and coaching proffesionals.
    • BOARDING- Time avaliable which increasingly spent playing games.
  • NON LOCAL- A great variety of regional games were adopted and adapted by individual schools.


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