Charity Advertising Conventions
- Created by: marygrace_
- Created on: 24-02-20 15:05
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- WaterAid: Conventions of a charity ad
- Technical/ Visual Codes
- Shocking & hard hitting visuals often of children
- Recognisable Establishing shots
- Tracking shots follow protagonist to involve the audience
- Close up shots (often of kids) position audience in close proximity to those in need
- Slo mo, B&W, direct MOA
- Audio Codes
- Emotive soundtrack, melancholic music
- Non diegetic voiceover (often celeb endorsement) reinforces the message, provides info and urges audience to act
- Personalised narrative in real voice of victim or collection of sound bites
- Untitled
- Written Codes/ Language
- On screen graphics eg charity logo establishes brand identity
- Campaign name
- Imperative language: 'give now'
- Range of ways to donate via text, online, letter
- Use of the personal pronoun 'we' makes the audience seem involved and responsible for issue
- Emotive language
- Hard hitting facts
- Personalised narrative
- How does WaterAid follow these conventions?
- Includes key info about the concern
- Personalised narrative to which info is relevant
- Direct appeal to audience for money
- How does WaterAid subvert these conventions?
- Lacks non diegetic voiceover
- Untitled
- Is in colour unlike conventional B&W ads
- Technical/ Visual Codes
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