Child development
- Created by: Libbie_Haynes
- Created on: 13-01-16 18:33
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- Child Development
- Family and Child
- Types of family.
- Nuclear
- Mother, Father and Children living in one household. (all biological)
- Extended
- Loads of family members living in one house or near by. (grandparent, aunts, parents, children.
- One-parent
- Only one parent, usually mother but can be father.
- Reconstituted (step)
- Parent, children and new parent (not biological father/mother)
- Foster
- Parent who looks after a child temporarily. (not their own child)
- Adopted
- Family formed through legal processes. (not a biological family)
- Residential care
- Chldren without families (unwillingly or unable or non existent) will live in a residential home. run by the Local Authority.
- Nuclear
- Types of relationships
- Romantic
- Combination between attraction, closeness, commitment. eg. boyfriend/girlfriend
- Friends
- People you meet and grow up with along the way. eg. Alice and Eden
- Casual
- People you meet everyday. eg. Teacher
- Family
- Biological, people you grow up with. eg. mum and dad
- Romantic
- Childcare settings
- Childminders
- Day nurseries
- Nanny
- Workplace nursery
- Playgroups/Pre-schools
- Creches
- Short-term temporary care. found in shopping centres.
- Parent and toddler groups
- Nursery and reception classes
- Family member
- Types of family.
- Food and Health
- Nutrients- the part of food used by our body.
- Water to keep us hydrated. 70% of the body is made up of water.
- Carbohydratestarches
- The body's main source of energy.
- Sugary foods- cakes, Biscuits, Chocolate and Soft drinks.
- Starchy foods- Potatoes, Rice, Pasta and Bread.
- The body's main source of energy.
- Fat
- Energy sourse, keeps us warm and provides some vitamins
- Butter, Meat, Dairy products and Fried foods.
- Energy sourse, keeps us warm and provides some vitamins
- Protein
- Growth and repair of the body.
- Fish, Milk, Beans and Tofu.
- Growth and repair of the body.
- Vitimans
- Vitims A,D,E and K are fat-soluble.
- Vitamins B and C are water-soluble.
- These must be prepared and cooked carefully so vitamins do not dissolve.
- Minerals
- Calcium
- Milk, Cheese. Makes strong bones and teeth.
- Iron
- Meat, Cereal. Makes red blood cells. (carries oxygen around body)
- Floride
- Water and toothpaste. Makes strong teeth enamel. (one of the four major tissues in the tooth)
- Calcium
- Nutrients- the part of food used by our body.
- Premature babies
- Babies born before 37 weeks, thoses with low weight , need beathing support or suffering from a medical condition.
- The length of a baby's stay depends on their needs.
- Babies that need care in SCU are:
- Weak immune system.
- Small size and a low weight at birth.
- Breathing probs due to undeveloped lungs.
- Sealed eyes
- Babies born before 37 weeks, thoses with low weight , need beathing support or suffering from a medical condition.
- Feeding
- Bottle
- Cows milk that has been diluted and added vitimins and minerals right for the baby
- infant formula for first 4-6 months
- Then move on to follow-on milk until 12months
- Go on to ordinary cows milk
- Then move on to follow-on milk until 12months
- Advantages
- Others can help, takes relief of off the mother always doing it.
- The mother knows how much milk the baby has taken.
- Useful if the mother has to go back to work.
- Disadvantages
- Does not contain antibodies (found in breast milk) so is not protected against infections.
- Swallow more air so have to be winded more often.
- There is a lot of preparation that needs to be made. (sterilising bottles, making feed)
- Breast
- Disadvantages
- Mother may feel uncomfortable feeding in public.
- Can be tiring for the mother as they want feeding more than bottle-fed babies.
- Mother may find it harder to leave the baby. (to attend work)
- Advantages
- Helps the bonding between mother and baby.
- Helps mother to lose weight she has put on during pregnancy.
- Contains all the nutrients and antibodies needed for the babies start.
- Recommended for the first 6 months of the baby's life.
- Disadvantages
- Bottle
- Food hygiene
- Personal
- Wash hands thoroughly.
- Cover cuts with water proof dressings.
- kitchen
- Empty waste bins and clean them frequently.
- Use separate chopping boards for raw meat, vegetables.
- Personal
- Types of play
- Physical play.
- When a child is moving around using their large muscles.
- Creative play.
- A child using their imagination and different materials to make something original.
- Discovery play.
- This is them using their senses to find out how things are made/ work/ what can be used for.
- Imaginative play.
- Child pretending to be something or someone. Invent make belief people or pets.
- Manipulating play.
- This is using the hands to built or put things together.
- Social play.
- This is about playing with others.
- Physical play.
- Family and Child
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